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Главная -> Природные воды Послесловие После прочтения этой книги у читателя, по-видимому, останется не меньше вопросов, чем их осталось у авторов. Это обстоятельство обусловлено главным образом тем, что практики и экспериментаторы имеют дело с явлениями и эффектами в природе и в технике, которые происходят не только в соответствии с известными теоретическими представлениями, но и в соответствии с законами и с микро- или макромеханизмами, еще не открытыми или не учтенными в используемых теориях. Такое положение возникает очень часто [125]. Среди тех новых проблем и гипотез, которые затрагиваются в этой книге, мы хотим особо отметить необходимость учета роли вторичного космического излучения в гидрологических и биофизических процессах; связь физико-химической микрогидродинамики и макроскопической гидродинамики; взаимосвязь электромагнитных и гидродинамических явлений, происходящих в природных водах при воздействии на них электромагнитных полей как природного происхождения, так и созданных искусственно; представления о закономерном нарушении электронейтральности природных вод не только в микрообъемах, но и в акваториях. Представленные в книге материалы могут быть не только полезными при анализе известных экспериментальных результатов, но и привести к постановке более точных экспериментальных исследований даже при решении проблем, считающихся классическими. Так, в частности, заметим, что точные измерения электромагнитных явлений в природных водах в ламинарном, переходном и турбулентном режимах в контролируемых условиях до удивления малочисленны. Можно надеяться, что высказанные в книге представления будут полезны при проведении дальнейших теоретических, экспериментальных и прикладных исследований и внедрении законченных разработок в производство. ELECTROMAGNETIC PHENOMENA IN NATURAL WATER By N. Ph. Bondarenko, E. Z. Oak (Leningrad, 1983. Gidrometeoizdat, 12 printers sheets) SUMMARY The monograph proposed is devoted to the physics of electromagnetic phenomena occurring in natural aqueous objects. One of the section of Inland Water Hydrophysics, namely, electromagnetic hydrophysics of natural water investigating regularities of physical processes occurring in natural water as affected by static and low-frequency fields both of natural and of antropogenic character is presented from a unified point of view. The authors understand that the first experience in generalizing a new branch of knowledge being just laid down is connected with a great number of difficulties both of scientific and methodological character. However, the work seems urgent due to the increasing interest of specialists in the line of geophysics, applied hydrodynamics and related branches of science in the problems of interaction between aqueous media and electromagnetic fields. Up to now realization of such a work was faced with difficulties due to the lack of a theory reasonable enough on liquid state of water and aqueous solutions. In interaction between aqueous media and electromagnetic fields only thermal effects, insignificant for electromagnetic fields of frequencies examined, were taken into consideration. However, as it is evident from the experimental and theoretical studies, in this case effects of force volume interaction arizing owing to ponderomotive forces caused by electrohydrody-namic and magnitohydrodynamic phenomena, assume an essential importance. Physical processes and particularly electromagnetic phenomena arizing in aqueous mass of natural objects under the movement of ground waters, during water transport in basins, rivers, lakes, as well as aspects connected with water in various aggregate states appear to be of interest for the given problem. Mechanisms of electromagnetic fields affecting natural water, the arizing of electromagnetic phenomena in hydrodynamic flow at temperature gradients and concentrations brought about are considered by the authors from the point of view of physical micro-hydrodynamics which extends to the range of scales commensurable with the dimensions of interphase boundaries of about 0.01 cm and less. Significant part in the monograph is devoted to phenomena resulting in decrease of electrical neutrality in natural water, in laboratory and on natural water objects. Quantitative evalution of the arizing effects has been determined and conservation of these pro-nerties with space and time has been discussed. Much attention is given to applied aspects of utilizing electromagnetic phenomena in natural water to intensify the processes of masstransfer, construction of laboratory models for studying nonlinear processes (eddy- and wave), to development of theoretical models for mechanisms of electromagnetic field action on biological objects, etc. The book contains Introduction, 4 Chapters and Afterword. Introduction deals with aspects associated, in the authors opinion, with electromagnetic hydrophysics of natural water. Along with that, particular attention is given to the main object of investigation in the book, i. e. to natural water. It is pointed out that the notion of imperfect natural water includes the most complex system, continuously connected with the environment. Great attention is given to the role of free gases in the form of micro- and macro-bubbles present in natural water. Causes and conditions of their arizing and variations are considered. Chapter I deals with physical fundamentals of the effect of electromagnetic fields (static and of low frequency) on natural water. Ideas of the leading part of electromagnetic phenomena in the nature of arizing hydrodynamic effects in thin liquid layers both in bulk and in the range of interphase boundaries are advanced. Based on the authors theoretical and experimental investigation, reality of arizing macroscopic phenomena in natural water even under the action of electric and magnetic fields of low tension is shown. Chapter 2 deals with arizing electromagnetic phenomena under the flow and water infiltration both in the presence of external electromagnetic fields and in their absence. Based on the given data the authors arrive at a conclusion of existing a close connection between electric, magnetic and hydrodynamic phenomena in the flow. In Chapter 3 based on the results for model systems, obtained by the authors, experimental data known from literature and obtained directly on natural subjects are discussed. Interrelation between electromagnetic phenomena in biosphere and transport processes in basins, soils and plants is treated. In this chapter particular importance is attached to the authors concepts on the role of secondary cosmic radiation in hydrological and biophysical processes. The concluding Chapter 4 deals with application of electromagnetic phenomena discussed in Chapters 1 and II when solving some problems of experimental hydrology as well as several practical tasks. Significant attention is drawn to the MHD - method being applied for laboratory modelling of nonlinear hydrodynamic processes in geophysical hydrodynamics. Besides, methods for investigation of properties of natural water, its activation, as well as techniques of measuring flow rate and discharge in laboratory and on natural objects are examined.